Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This anti Sun Maid Raisins poster was interesting to me because of the way the designer took an all ready widely known image and made it work to for his/her purpose: de-promoting the product the original design was made for: Sun Maid Raisins.

The position of the sun maid and the font is in the exact same place.  Even the style of the font is the same.  In fact, at first glance, the viewer may barely notice the sun maid is actually a skeleton.  It pops out just enough for the viewer to go take a closer look at the poster.  Then they read the font, Sun Mad Raisins instead of Sun Maid Raisins.  Now the the viewer is even more intrigued about the purpose of this poster and reads the subtitle and so on and so forth.  Then the viewer understands that the poster is essentially trying to say that Sun Maid Raisins are selling poor quality raisins.  

Overall, I feel it is a very disturbing image with a blunt message attached to it.  I find it clever and very successful though as far as the design idea though.

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